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+254 727 434 740
Best Audit and Assurance Services in Kenya
All businesses can benefit tremendously from audit and assurance services. Our Assurance group provides audit and assurance services to clients through Taxmart Incorporated on their financial performance and operations, as well as helping them improve their external financial reporting and adapt to new regulatory requirements.
Statutory External Audits
Corporate Restructuring
Payroll Administration
Human Resource Management
Information Systems Audits
The true value of an audit is in ensuring compliance with exacting rules, regulations and standards and also in assisting our clients in managing the financial hurdles that they encounter on a daily basis as well as assisting them in improving financial reporting and related internal controls processes.
Our audit and assurance services can be tailored to meet the needs of any size organization, as evidenced by our appointment as auditor to both large companies as well as to thousands of small and mid-sized businesses. In every case, a Taxmart audit is underpinned by our deep industry knowledge, wide international experience, global network of skilled professionals and our commitment to delivering quality services.

This deep industry knowledge is one of the foundations of our success. Our teams are aligned to the industry groupings in which they have the most expertise, enabling them to deliver tailored solutions to complex issues in these sectors. Our traditional core competency has been augmented over the years by the development of additional services that address our clients’ requirements.
Our audit clients include many of the top-performing companies as well as many small and mid-sized businesses. In addition to audit services, we also provide accounting and regulatory advice and assurance-related service.